Tag Archives: muscular women

Wonder Woman: Connie Britton

5 Jun

Photo: Dusan Reljun for InStyle via Connie Britton’s website/blog

I was startled and elated, in that order, when I came across this photo of Connie Britton in InStyle magazine this month.  Women’s magazines, especially ones devoted to fashion, beauty and celebrities, are not known for featuring women’s bodies that fall outside of a certain ideal shape and size.

Women’s magazines have long been accused of only featuring extremely thin models (which they do), but in the past couple of years, featuring plus-size models/actors/celebrities has become “forward-thinking” or “chic-in-a-forward-thinking-way”.  I enjoy seeing thin bodies and plus-size bodies, but what about muscular bodies?!  And I don’t mean female body builders.  I mean “regular” women who happen to build muscle very easily (without trying!) and are very fit, but don’t have slender calves?  As a girl with very muscular legs, I notice these things, I promise.  The last big-leg-muscled gal I saw in a magazine was Lisa Marie, when she was married to Tim Burton.  That was, what, 7 years ago now?  (Yes, I DO keep track of these things!)

And then, low-and-behold, Connie Britton, in all her big, strong, muscle-legged glory.  Thank you Connie Britton, and thank you InStyle!

À demain,
